Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Arab Ambulances

As Michelle Malkin shows in her article in FrontPage magazine, the UN and the Red Crescent(the Arab version of the Red Cross) are committing war crimes. As has been documented by a Reuters cameraman (video available on, Palestinians are using ambulances to transport terrorists and weapons. This, of course is in addition to the UN "peacekeepers" allowing (or possibly even helping) Hizbullah kidnap and kill Israeli soldiers, and then covering it up.
If U.N. peacekeepers worked with Hezbollah terrorists, there is no doubt in my mind that they would work hand in glove with Iraqi terrorists and their allies. Why would we expect American soldiers to be treated with more respect than Israeli soldiers by an organization that actively supported the Saddam Hussein regime? Why should we continue to use our tax dollars to support enablers of international Islamic terrorism?
This is the organization that Kerry and the Europeans want to empower to run Iraq and "assist" the US in foreign policy.

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