Friday, July 02, 2004

Another Kerry Flip-Flop

The Boston Globe is reporting today that John Kerry has released a new policy paper that outlines his position on Israel. Realizing that his initial position wasn't very popular, Kerry changed it. He now supports the separation barrier (as opposed to earlier when he referred to it as a "barrier to peace"), calls Arafat a "failed leader" (as opposed to the previous "statesman"), and no longer talks about appointing James Baker or Jimmy Carter. While his new positions are certainly better than his initial positions, one has to wonder what his real views on this are. Clearly the change in his position was another example of his naked political opportunism; American Jews have been turning more to George Bush and the Republican Party because of their staunch and real support of Israel in the war against Islamofascism. Kerry, based on his positions on other foreign policy matters, is Clinton without the political skill or charisma. And Clinton's Middle East policies, despite his own and liberal Jews' protestations, did more damage to Israel than the policies of virtually every other US President since Harry Truman. My suspicion is that Kerry will be more of the same.

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