Tuesday, July 20, 2004


That is the only word (at least the only non-expletive) that could be used to describe the UN and its latest anti-Israel vote. The UN continues to prove itself a worthless, foul, malevolent institution that for any thinking person should be considered below contempt. Enough has been written about the ICJ ruling, and much more will be written about this vote, so I will not make any arguments about why this decision was wrong, immoral, and simply offensive. This band of tyrannies allied with the spineless and powerless Europeans should be disbanded, its buildings destroyed, and the land and which it sits sown with salt so that no such outrage should ever arise in its place. I sincerely hope that the delegates who voted for this resolution experience first hand the terrorism that Israel has been suffering from and fighting all these years.

By the way, this is the institution whose approval Kerry seeks to legitimize US actions.

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