Thursday, July 15, 2004

More on Kedwards's Unseriousness

Mark Steyn writes, in another great article, that he has not lost his belief in a Bush win. The reason is once again that Kerry and Edwards are simply not serious about the issues that matter, and even on the others they cant make up their mind.
Virtually every Democratic heavyweight from Al Gore down has the same kind of amnesia, accusing Bush of ‘lies’ and ‘deception’ for saying exactly the same things they were saying. My view of Iraq and the war on terror hasn’t changed since 2002. Nor has Bush’s, or Cheney’s or Condi’s. But Democrats have stood their own arguments on their heads so often that they now stand for nothing.

That’s Kerry’s and Edwards’s problem. Ask them about Iraq and they drone on about getting the UN back in there and bringing France and Germany on board by giving them ‘fair access to the multibillion-dollar reconstruction contracts’ plus ‘a leadership role’ in exchange for some troops. But all the UN’s done for Iraq is rip off its people in a $10 billion Oil-for-Food scam that’s bigger than Enron, Worldcom and every other corporate scandal combined. And bribing France and Germany with US tax dollars and Middle East meddling rights in exchange for vague promises of military resources they don’t have isn’t so smart, either. If the object is to cosy up to foreigners disenchanted with Bush, Patricia Hewitt is closer to the mark: Kerry-Edwards trade protectionism will offend far more allies than Bush ever did on Iraq.

The truth is that blathering about the UN and France is the equivalent of having no policy, no ideas. It’s the default position for sonorous phonies. And, as that survey suggests, that’s all anyone knows about Kerry. For example, the Senator recently flipped his position on abortion. He now says that he ‘personally’ believes life begins at conception. But he votes non-stop for abortion every chance he gets because he doesn’t believe in inflicting his deeply held personal beliefs on the country.

Huh? This is a first: a candidate who boasts that his conscience is at odds with his voting record.
The more that Kerry and Edwards are on tv, the more people know about him, and the less chance he has with anyone not living in Boston, New York, or San Francisco.

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