Thursday, August 05, 2004

Some Good Questions

In today's column George Will has some good questions for Senator Kerry:
Regarding military action, your platform says "we will never wait for a green light from abroad when our safety is at stake." But the platform's preceding paragraph denounces President Bush's "doctrine of unilateral preemption." If unilateralism is wrong, are you not committed to some sort of "green light from abroad"?

Are you glad that in 1981 Israel set back Iraq's nuclear weapons program with a unilateral preemptive attack on the reactor near Baghdad?

Your platform says: "A nuclear-armed Iran is an unacceptable risk." But Iran's radical Islamist regime is undeterred by diplomatic hand-wringing about its acquisition of nuclear weapons, which may be imminent. Is preemptive military action against Iran feasible, or are its nuclear facilities too dispersed and hardened? What would you do other than accept Iran as a nuclear power?
These are all crucially important questions because of the current geopolitical environment. I doubt that Kerry will answer any of them. Given the large control that the loony-left exercises over the current Democratic Party, and at the same time Kerry's need for mainstream undecided voters, taking any position by answering questions such as this will surely alienate one of these two constituencies. Kerry speaks a lot about "courage", but when the time comes for real political courage, he is noticeably absent.

Will ends with this question for the good Senator:
Throwing caution to the wind, your platform insists that "small towns are at the heart of America." Your sense of America's small-town heartbeat comes from where -- Sun Valley?

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