Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Kerry's Iran Plan

Yesterday, John Edwards articulated an Iran policy of a potential Kerry Administration. Basically, the world would offer Iran a "great deal", in the words of Frank Gaffney:
They could keep their nuclear energy program and obtain for it Western supplies of enriched uranium fuel, provided the regime in Tehran promised to foreswear nuclear weapons. According to Sen. Edwards, if Iran did not accept this “bargain,” everyone – including our European allies – would recognize the true, military purpose of this program and would “stand with us” in levying on Iran what are described as “very heavy sanctions.”
Wasn't this policy already tried once with North Korea? The policy platform offered by Edwards brings to mind the classic definition of insanity - doing the same thing and expecting different results. It also reeks of the European reliance on soft power in foreign policy. What we see clearly demonstrated is the misguided expectation that countries will behave in a civilized manner because that is how we behave. Has not Iran already proven beyond a doubt that their promises are worthless? Do Kedwards really think that Iran will change? Once again the Democrats display a complete unseriousness on the most important issues of the day.

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