Thursday, August 12, 2004

Kerry, Cambodia, and the Press

It is appalling, yet somewhat unsurprising, that the major media is completely missing (or more likely, is ignoring) the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, as well as Kerry's story about being in Cambodia during Christmas of 1968. Clearly the important issue in this campaign is not VietNam or the actions of a 20 year old there, yet Kerry has chosen to make his service there a central theme of his campaign. Since it seems so important to who Kerry is, it is incumbent on the people who investigate and report the news to actually investigate both whether Kerry's stories are true, as well as the Kerry camp's reaction to those who try to point out the holes in Kerry's story. Since the press has refused to do an of this work because of its political bias, bloggers have been picking up the slack. Powerline has some good examinations of the Cambodia story, among others.

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