Thursday, September 02, 2004


I wonder how many times at the RNC the word "freedom" has been uttered by the speakers. Undoubtedly this is the theme of the convention - freedom for Afghanistan, freedom for Iraq, and most importantly freedom from fear. Contrast that with the DNC's "Help is on the way".

The themes of the two conventions are clear, DNC was domestic policy and RNC is foreign policy. Dick Morris stated a few days ago that this election is about more than the candidates, it is about whether one considers the key issues of the day healthcare, Social Security, and education, or terrorism and our attempts to clean up the cesspool that is the Arab Middle East. Bush wins on foreign policy while Kerry wins on the domestic. With all the activity of the "Religion of Peace" in the past few days, foreign policy and terrorism is coming back to the forefront which clearly is favorable to Bush.

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