Thursday, September 02, 2004

Flip-Flops continue

Ralph Peters chronicles Kerry's appearance at the American Legion National Convention.
By making promises he doesn't mean and can't keep, he tried to buy the votes of American veterans.
Had he offered each vet a $5 bill and a shot of whisky for their support, his performance could not have been shabbier.
Back then, he was voting for the war. Before he opposed it. Before supporting it again. Now he's against it again. Although he supports our troops, of course.

Does Kerry have no shame at all? No spine, whatsoever? Is it possible to be nothing but a bundle of pure ambition, with no shred of ethics? Is Kerry so hungry for office that he'll change any position to buy a vote?

If President Bush shocks the Republican Convention tonight by coming out in favor of gay marriage, Kerry will immediately back a constitutional amendment to outlaw it.

Even on their worst day — and they've had some bad ones — the Bushies actually believe in a few things.
Kerry's only true belief is that he is entitled to the Presidency - he was born in the west-wing of the hospital, after all. Apparently, given the state of the Democratic electorate, and their "Bush Derangement Syndrome", being born and serving 16 weeks in VietNam is all one needs to be President.

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