Saturday, June 05, 2004

The Internal Civil War

David Warren writes about the internal civil war of Western Civilization.
For in the U.S. there is a huge constituency that thinks just like post-modern Europeans. Who blame America, even when America is attacked. Who apologize for what they are, but will make excuses for any enemy. It is a set of views that fit naturally with a low birth rate, as we know from history: with an unending campaign to tear down every moral and spiritual marker in a cause which reduces finally to nihilism.

The extraordinary thing about the West that was exposed, in the lightning of 9/11/01, is that it is one country, in an advanced state of decadence, turned against itself. And for one of the parties to this spiritual and intellectual civil war (not a battle of ideas, but a battle of "ideas against anti-ideas"), it is more important to defeat their internal enemy than to confront any threat from abroad. The loyalties are no longer to nations. Instead, an Italian who votes for Berlusconi has more in common with an American who votes for Bush, than either of them has with his own countrymen who vote the other way.

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